July 14, 2010

My Head Is Spinning

Oh what a week this has been thus far for the LCMS Synodical Convention.

The delegates vote to take on an even more American-style corporate structure.

The delegates elect Rev. Matthew Harrison as its new president, on the FIRST ballot! (54% - 45%)

And the week isn't over yet!

This will be an interesting post-mortem when this is all done.


  1. Also, interesting discussion yesterday on what to do with the play-pastors. It revealed a sad and fundamental confusion in the LCMS on the Preaching Office, the historic diaconate, its relationship with the presbyterate, and like matters.

  2. Pay-to-play-pastors, you mean. In the American-style of thinking and doing, no one does anything without the expectation of getting something in return. I haven't heard yet of any SMP graduate serving a parish for free.
