June 16, 2010

Academic Freedom From Religion?

Over the past few weeks I have been following this story in Milwaukee, WI. I find it very interesting how this story ended.  What happened as this story unfolded was just as interesting.

Marquette University, a Roman Catholic school run by the Jesuits in Milwaukee, WI has been know for its theological education and scholarship in Lutheran circles (e.g. Franz Posset, and Kenneth Hagen), and nationally known for its basketball team  just about every March.

For those who are not inclined to read all of the articles, I will do my best to sum up the story.

Back in April, Marquette University extends a contract to Seattle University professor Jodi O'Brien to be dean of Marquette's College of Arts and Sciences.

O'Brien signs the contract and sends it back to Marquette University.

Early May, Marquette rescinds the job offer. Slight problem. O'Brien is a lesbian who has written scholarly works on gender and sexual orientation. Marquette says the reason for this is that some of O'Brien's writings "relating to Catholic mission and identity" made her an unacceptable candidate. (Doesn't anyone do their homework when hiring for a position like this?)

Students and faculty are up in arms. Students protest, faculty protest.

It is revealed that Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee might have told the president of Marquette, Fr. Wild S.J., about O'Brien's background and that this was not an acceptable person to have at the university.

The faculty issues a full page ad in the local papers in Milwaukee and in Seattle saying that this is wrong. Marquette is killing academic freedom.

Others state that the Archbishop has no right to interfere with Marquette, since the school is run by the Jesuits and not the archdiocese. Along with the academic freedom crowd, there is now also the "we are not under the control of the Roman Catholic church" crowd.

Fr. Wild says the Archbishop did not tell him what to do.

It also comes to light that back in 2001 Marquette had offered the same position to another faculty member at Seattle University, who also was an author on gender and sexuality issues. That professor declined the position.

Finally, at the beginning of June, Marquette and Professor O'Brien reach a settlement.

There's the summary.

Here's my question before I start my rant on the Concordia University System.

Was Archbishop Listecki right to step in and talk to Fr. Wild about this hiring decision?

On to my rant . . .

How does this relate to the wonderful world of Lutheranism? Think of it this way. In a Lutheran version of this tale, Marquette would be more along the lines of Valparaiso. An independent college "with historic ties to Lutheranism." The LCMS tries to intercede and have a say as to what is going on, but it never really works out. Slightly different from the Marquette version, where the Archbishop has some influence.

For decades the LCMS has wasted time and money in the hopes of trying to make Valpo more "Lutheran". It just isn't going to happen. Instead of expending that effort to make Valpo more "Lutheran", why hasn't the LCMS tried make the Concordia University System more "Lutheran"? After all, does not the LCMS like to brag that they are the owners and operators of this school system? Yet they act more like absentee landlords.

Insert your favorite Concordia horror story here.

Instead, the schools of the Concordia University System have been left on their own to do what they see fit. There is more academic and religious freedom in the Concordia University System (excluding the seminaries) than most other denominations that run colleges and universities. (Again, insert your favorite Concordia horror story here.)

I know that there is a balancing act that a religious educational institution must perform in order to give their students a viable education, (also make money), yet at the same time hold to their religious heritage (and ownership?). I just haven't seen it throughout this system. I know that the LCMS as a church body has given up financial ownership. Last figure I heard, support from the LCMS to a Concordia amounted to about 1% of that Concordia's budget. I know that the Purple Palace will always be quick to claim any success that a Concordia has, and even quicker to try to distance themselves from a public failure or scandal at a Concordia. (Remember Dr. George Heider at Concordia, River Forest?) The LCMS loses their influence when they don't help to pay the bills. That gives the Concordias less incentive to abide by what the LCMS wants doctrinally. He who has the money, gets to call the tunes.

Either the LCMS should reorganize, maybe even close some of these Concordias, to better concentrate resources on these schools, or loosen their grip and  let the Concordias have more control over their destinies. What I mean by "loosen their grip" is to allow the Concordias to appoint a portion of their own regents.

I'm just thinking out loud here. What do you think?

June 15, 2010

Truly Ablaze!

Do you think they could recreate this for the convention? Better yet, maybe Ablaze funds could be given to rebuild? A special convention offering perhaps? Here's the link to the story.

June 2, 2010

Long On Words, Short On Action

Ah, Memorial Day has come and gone. The lasts wafts of grill smoke have dissipated. The temperature is starting to get warmer. This can mean only one thing.

Silly season is upon us.

By that I mean The 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

I know that it doesn't start until July, but I figured I'd start a little early.

Actually, compared to those who are running for office, I am starting quite late. I am also late to the game when you think about those who have been writing papers and sending junk mail to convention delegates.

But I digress.

As a famous theologian once said, "Get to the point!"

My point is this: I would like to think that I will not be let down, again, by those who have, and will, make such remarkably Lutheran statements about saving the church, restoring doctrine and liturgy, and people walking together in harmony.

I know, I'm kidding myself.

Just once in my lifetime, I'd like to see people actually take a stand. Not make idle threats if they don't get their way. I would like to see some action. I would like to have people stand up and tell the truth. Make the current leadership give an account of what they have done, or not done. Explain where all the money has gone. Explain where all of these members that were suppose to materialize with their programs are.

In other words, "No more Mr. Nice Guy." Seriously, the current administration doesn't play by the rules, why follow rules that everyone else feels they are not bound by?

I just would like to see a group stand up and say, "Enough is enough!"

Confidential to Jack C. from Michigan - I will not be paying for your drinks this time!