Like 54% of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, I am pretty excited about the election of Rev. Matthew Harrison as the new president of this church body. It is no secret that there are several issues that will challenge Rev. Harrison while in office, and I, like 54% of the LCMS, will pray for his success.
As one of the members in that 54% of the membership of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod who are excited about Rev. Harrison becoming president and who will pray for his success in this office, I would like to share a few thoughts. I do not claim to speak for the whole 100% of that 54% in what I am about to write. I am sure there will be parts in what I am about to write that will meet the approval of about 55% - 63% of that 54%.
With that disclaimer posted and out of the way, I give you my open letter to President-elect Rev. Matthew Harrison. (I had to make a few changes and update a few things from a different letter from my files.)
Dear Santa President-elect Rev. Harrison,
I have been a very good boy faithful servant this past year. I don't ask for many things, but it would mean a lot to me if you were able to bring me these things this Christmas sometime within the next three years.
I would really like a new bicycle review of the SMP program and possibly a realistic study of the office of deacon in the LCMS.
I would also like a new computer review of worship in the LCMS and for you to get rid of all of the bad pastors out there.
Wait a minute, I've just been informed of something.
The powers of the President of the LCMS is about as realistic as the powers of Santa Claus?
So much for Christmas in July.
Oh what a week this has been thus far for the LCMS Synodical Convention.
The delegates vote to take on an even more American-style corporate structure.
The delegates elect Rev. Matthew Harrison as its new president, on the FIRST ballot! (54% - 45%)
And the week isn't over yet!
This will be an interesting post-mortem when this is all done.